It is true that such a type of proposal is treated by many authors and thinkers under the umbrella term social justice. But in my opinion that concept is far too broadly interpretable. It contains too much condemnation and disapproval of the economic game as we've played it so far. Let's not go bickering about how that game grew, and why who became the winners, and others the losers. Let's not imagine ourselves being able to judge and condemn that whole completed historical dynamic. That game has been played. Mandela gave a shining example of how to get past a bogged game.
My second objection to the social justice concept is stuck in its paternalistic tone. It reminds me of the slowly ingrained habit of governments to use a gamma of arrangements to compensate the failure and vulnerabilities associated with the unbridled interplay of economic forces, and make it bearable for all participants. With all the alienation, control, and related costs. Meanwhile, the elite remains responsible (are at the wheel), and the rest remains compensating (festivals, fun, consumption, trips) playing the back-seat driver. That role play brings us not on the right cohesion track. With such a social justice approach you avoid the problem, or puts it on somebody else's plate, or uses it (Jancovici advocates this) as an argument to build additional nuclear power plants because you fear the violence between the classes if not enough energy is allocated to them. The problem isn't just the behaviour of the rich, it's the behaviour of everyone around, shopkeepers, self-employed, employees, unemployed. Everyone must re-organize his complete household, namely fossil-free to the deepest reaches of all its dependencies (i.e. inputs and outputs). That's not a question of more tax for the rich, more income for the poor, and keeping the rich responsible for bread and butter, but to draw up every member of society equivalent and viable in terms of resources, knowledge and skills, and in that way to ensure that everyone is able to carry his own weight. No more top-down game, but everyone active in equal positions on a level playing field.

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